Vercingetorix and Ceasar

This is what I have donte out of the subscription bonus you got from Wargames Illustrated. The Pictures are – as always – not the very best but you get an impression.

I am pleased with the shirt Vercingetrorix ist wearing. As I worked out the plaid really good. The cloak on the other side is not as good as I would have liked it to be. But better then my first version.

I could not manage to make some geometrical borders on Ceasar carpet. So it has got only stripes. Ceasar is not painted completly in red as he is on the painting by Royer but wiht a white undercoat including a „purple“ stripe as sign of his rank.

It took me quite a while to finish this vignette. But it was a start to paint 28mm again.


German miners houses

Here some impressions of the houses I have build for German Revolutionary Unrest. They are made of plaster (all the brickwork) and plastic sheet (the roof).

I had made a master and taken a mould. So I could do several of them but only managed to make two of them.

The masters where made of foamsheet (the one you get in at the DIY as isolation) with the brickwork cuted in wiht a knife and a pen (as usual). Windows and doors where made of plasticcard and then a mould where taken.

Before I used the shape seen above I have made several houses out of foamsheet and foamcard.


An here are the original houses of some miners houses at the Ruhr.

Bobbys on the beat

Here are the first finished Aggro-minis. Two coppers ready to defend order against the evil football scum…


Here are a coparisson shot with some Work in progress 15mm minis I will use for Aggro in 15mm. These are conversion from Peter Pig WWII civilians and police / airwarden and Flames of War civilians. They just got their heads swaped with Peter Pig Colonial British Heads and a blob of greenstuff for the policestar.


German Revolutionary Unrest Conversions

To get some variety I have made some conversions. But I have only taken a few pictures. But you can guess what I have done to make Karl (on the left) and his evil twin Herrman (on the right)


Here are some conversions I have done with miliput and greenstuff. Some are as minor as a collar and an armband. But the kneeling one – who looks like the actor Marion Adorf (I will take a closer pic) – had his furry hat and vest removed and got some new clothes, oh and he was shaved. The origianl figure you can see at copplestone casting.


German Revolutionary Unrest

In the time between the Novemberrevolution 1918 until the end of 1923 there were several fights between the political Left and Right. Famous are the Spartakus Uprising in Berlin 1919 as well as the defeat of the council-republics in Bremen, Braunschweig and Munich, the generalstrike and armed actions against the Kapp-Putsch 1920, with it’s aftermath the Ruhr uprising, the Mitteldeutsche Aufstand (Central German Uprising) 1921 and the Hamburg Uprising in 1923. Also there were lots of fighting from Rightwing Groups at the Polish and Russian borders and coups.

For the refight on the tabletop I build up some revolutionary workers and as opponent some Freikorps. There are also some Sailor, but no picture at the moment.

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Rote Ruhrarmee – Red army of the Ruhr

Some of the miniatures I use for German Revolutinary Unrest.

Most of them where made from Copplestone Russian Partisans. Some are From Beyond German Askarai and a few are Spanish Civil War and Northstar WWI Germans.

Mainly they got helmets and furry hats removed for flatcaps. Some got armbands or putty removed for long trousers. Also WWI-Germans got their equipment removed.
