What’s this?

I am painting and collecting miniatures for roleplaying and wargaming since about 25 year. Most minis are seen only by my friends and family. Some minis I have postet at LAF. But as I had used a wide range of blogs as impression I have decided to start my own. So maybe some people will get an inspiration.

The name is taken form a notorius german Max Hoelz. He has taken part in lots of uprising as the defend against the Kapp-Putsch 1920 and the March-Uprising 1921. The Header-picture shows a colum from the Red Army of the Ruhr 1920. So you will find some minis from this period. And this range is still growing.

This blog is in English. But this is not my native tounge. So please don’t bother about the bad English – my native German is even worse.