Christmas Truce

For military and political leaders one of the worst things that could happen in a war is fraternisation with the enemy. As people who  know eachother tend not to be aggressive against eachother – sadly exeptions happen.

Anyway – one of the best kown fraternisations happen druing the Great War at the Western Front at Christmas 1914 – unsurprisingly named Christmas Truce.

As soon as I had seen Wargames Illustrated did a vignette in their „moments in history“ series I must get them. And here are the results.


Captain and her sidekick

Bought ages ago the limited edition 5th year anniversary vignette from Freebooter Miniatures. This is one of my favorite vignettes as the sidkick is awsome and the captain shows elegance and toughness. Also the arrangement with figurehead and chest is very dynamic. And did I mentioned the crab?

The only problem is the poor quality of the pictures. But either I stop complaining or get enough money together for a better camera and a lightbox.


Vercingetorix and Ceasar

This is what I have donte out of the subscription bonus you got from Wargames Illustrated. The Pictures are – as always – not the very best but you get an impression.

I am pleased with the shirt Vercingetrorix ist wearing. As I worked out the plaid really good. The cloak on the other side is not as good as I would have liked it to be. But better then my first version.

I could not manage to make some geometrical borders on Ceasar carpet. So it has got only stripes. Ceasar is not painted completly in red as he is on the painting by Royer but wiht a white undercoat including a „purple“ stripe as sign of his rank.

It took me quite a while to finish this vignette. But it was a start to paint 28mm again.
